About Fulston Manor Academies Trust…

FMAT was formed by Fulston Manor School in 2013, three years after the school became a single academy in October 2010.

Fulston Manor itself has enjoyed for many years an excellent reputation,  being heavily oversubscribed, attaining  very high levels of academic achievement. An increasing involvement in school to school support and other collaborative ventures led to the school becoming a National Support School and then to the award of Teaching School status (lead within the Swale Teaching School Alliance). The commitment to partnership working made the creation of a multi academy trust a logical step, providing a further way in which school improvement could be achieved.

Although Fulston Manor has supported schools right across Kent, participated in the delivery of national conferences and been involved in forging strong international links, when developing the multi academy group the intention was always to work with local schools in order to provide sustainable improvement and enhanced provision for young people across Swale. The opportunity, therefore, to welcome South Avenue Junior and South Avenue Infant Schools into the trust fitted perfectly into this framework and will ensure a solid foundation across all three phases of compulsory education.

Mission Statement

Fulston Manor Academies Trust’s mission is to change for the better the lives and life chances of all members of our community. In order to achieve this we are committed to the achievement of rapid educational transformation across all our schools through the development of outstanding practice based upon sustainable collaboration.

Our Vision

Fulston Manor Academies Trust’s vision is of a community of outstanding schools in which all children are enabled to reach their potential through the provision of high quality education within a caring and supportive environment. The on-going professional development of all staff will ensure sustainability and assist in the creation of a culture of continued improvement within every Trust school

Our Ethos

Fulston Manor Academies Trust’s ethos is encapsulated in the phrase, “Everybody matters, Everybody succeeds, Everybody helps”. By involving everyone in ensuring that all are enabled to achieve, the Trust creates communities which share in the success of all when the highest of aspirational targets are set and met.

Everybody Matters:

  • Every member of our community is equally valued, regardless of their race, gender, ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or physical or mental capability

  • We focus upon the more vulnerable members of our community in order to ensure that they are enabled to realize their potential

  • We recognise and value the uniqueness of every individual within the Trust, and of every institution, believing that strength does come through diversity

  • Whilst acknowledging the central role played by the classroom teacher within any education system, we recognise the part played by all other members of our community and value teamwork as an essential part of our success

  • Professional development opportunities and individual career plans are in place for all members of staff and encouragement given to seek advancement within the Trust

  • Student councils, parental consultations, staff surveys and an all pervasive open door policy ensure that everybody believes that their opinions matter and that they are fully involved in the development of the Trust

Everybody Succeeds:

  • Challenging individual performance targets are set for all students and staff, enabling success to be celebrated and underperformance to be addressed

  • Progress is viewed as the key success indicator, ensuring that students of all abilities can achieve successful outcomes and that appropriate support can be allocated appropriately

  • The Trust recognizes that “success breeds success” and provides a wide range of extended curricular opportunities to enable students to achieve outside as well as inside the classroom.

  • The development of high level interpersonal skills, self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience and a sense of personal responsibility is viewed as a key measure of success

  • The inculcation of values such as honesty, a sense of justice, compassion, consideration for others, friendship and service is viewed as a key measure of success

  • Every opportunity is taken to celebrate success, with praise and reward considered infinitely more powerful motivators that criticism and sanction

Everybody Helps:

  • We recognise the truth behind the African perception that “it takes a whole village to raise a child” and value the contributions of everybody in achieving our goals.

  • Systems are in place to ensure that students are encouraged and enabled to help others as well as themselves, both academically and through the assumption of roles such as peer mentors, prefects, school council representatives, reading partners, etc

  • The development of good citizens is central to our mission and we achieve this both through formal education and the provision of practical opportunities such as charity fund raising and work in the community.

  • Suggestions and improvement strategies are valued from all staff, with systems in place to receive and respond to all such contributions

  • We believe that collaborative working with other schools enhances the educational provision for all, with every institution having examples of innovation and best practice which, when shared, ensures that the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts.

  • The provision of clean and safe learning environments, of healthy and nutritious food, of efficient and high quality administrative and financial services, of effective pastoral and student support systems, of consistent and empathetic leadership and governance, of positive and productive community relationships combines with high quality teaching and learning to provide an outstanding education for all our young people.